Saturday, July 29, 2006


Well, since Wednesday when I finished the sleeve for my kimono wrap, I decided to take a break from that and work on my sister's wrap. It is going stupidy fast. Which is wonderful. I only have 4 more repeats of the pattern and I will have the front half done. Not bad for three evening's work.

Once i finish that, I'm going to go back to the kimono and work on that for awhile, then swtich again I think.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Sometimes the mail brings good things

Today my package from Lion Brand yarn came in the mail. This means I can add yet another project to the ones I'm working on right now.

This yarn is for a wrap for my sister for Christmas. I did try going to Romni wools and finding an equivalent to what they wanted for the pattern, but I was just going to have to spend too much money and not get quite what I wanted. So I ordered online. The only thing I hate is paying the duty when it gets here.

But it is going to be beautiful. I almost want to quit working on my Kimono and start on this. But...... I must finish the sleeve before i do anything else. That is my goal for the week.

My Current Knitting Project

Well, I often work on a few at a time as I can be a bit of spaz, but the main project I'm working on right now is a Kimono Wrap I found in a Lion Brand book.

It is a project that is going to take me a good long time. I said I would never again do this, but it is on tiny little wool on tiny little needles. I started work on it three weeks ago and I only have three inches left to do on the first sleeve.

With hope, I will finish the sleeve sometime this week. I hope I hope I hope.