Sunday, August 15, 2010


Well, my buttertarts from the other week turned out quite tasty and nifty, but didn't look so good because I forgot to grease the little tart tins. So I didn't take any pictures of them.

I also discovered I didn't have quite enough tart tins so I didn't get as many as I had hoped. Now I must keep an eye out for at least 8 more tart tins so I can at the very least make 2 dozen.

Nifty Beer Tote/cooler

Yesterday when a friend and I were shopping at Homesense, we came across these nifty 6 pack holders from NYC Built. My friend had been looking for awhile for one of these in a local store. So she grabbed one immediately and recommended it.

So I bought one too. Tried it out last night too and we quite liked it. I don't know if would keep your beverages cool all night, but it did keep them nice and cool for the trip over to party we were attending.

We also got quite a few comments on how nifty it was. So I would highly recommend one.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

I'ts Buttertart Time

Today is the day I find out how the homemade pastry I put in the freezer a couple of months ago has done in the freezer. I will be attempting for the first time ever to make completely from scratch my Mom's buttertarts. I hope they end up tasty as I plan to give them to someone as a gifty.

I'll post some photos a little later on should they turn out.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A place of some tasty recipies

Lately I've been pouring over recipes looking for some new ones to use at home that are healthier, more variety and just plain different from what we've usually been making here at the old homestead.

Tonight via a Facebook share I found the Noble Pig Blog.  There looks to be some tasty recipes there.  Especially the Bread Egg Bowls.  It think i'm going to have to try that out some saturday morning soon.

In fact I think I've actually accumulated a giant pile of recipes I may not make it through.  But it's been fun checking it all out.  Bought some brown lentils to try working with today.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Wow, it's a baby boom

Just when I thought I was done with the baby hats..... I've found out in the past week or two that two of my co-workers and a couple of the footy peeps are having babies. That included with the friend who is having triples, brings me up to 7 more hats to do. Not including my own. It's going to be a busy busy time. And I still have the blanket I am crocheting for my wee one. It's a good thing I have until January to get some of these done.

Apparently I've just become some sort of knitting factory.

Well, I should get off the computer and back to the knitting if I'm going to get it all done.