Got a little sidetracked over the past couple of days. Yesterday was on the busy side with exercise class, birthday parties and the like. And today was a bit of a write off. Due to all the storming and the like my brain has been mush. Which kind of sucks.
But yesterday I did at least manage to get rid of a couple of pairs of shoes. Well, they are in the Goodwill bag waiting to go. But that's essentially getting rid of them. I really do have to sit down and go through my shoes and purge them. I keep putting it off in the hopes that my feet will shrink. But I think they aren't going to. It's been 8 months since Mr. Munchkin came along and other than not being all puffy and swollen they haven't shrunk any lengthwise.
It's a cruel trick. You always think that your feet stay the same. No fat or how skinny you are, your shoes will stay the same. Not true!!!! Getting pregnant can make them grow :(
There are so many of my shoes that I'm hoping I will fit back into one day. Alas I don't think it will happen.
Happy Thanksgiving, Dear Ones
7 years ago
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