Saturday, September 23, 2006

Just Trying to be a knitting machine

Well, I did start the scarf I mentioned in my last post, but for some reason I've been really working on a bunch of little washcloths that I'm going to be including in some of my christmas presents this year. I've got four done and another one on the needles. They are so quick and super easy. I'm hopefully going to stop that soon and work on the other items that are going to take me a little longer.

But tonight I will be devoted to the project for me. My kimono wrap. I do want to get it done, I just keep feeling that I should get the Christmas knitting done first. So I've decided that Saturday evenings when I have about an hour before I do my thing for the night I will work on that.

Sunday, September 10, 2006


Well, almost, I have about 10 more rows to do, but I'm finished the baby blanket I've been making for a friend little one to be.

I will post a picture of it as soon as I give it to her.

Woot! Now I'm only working on two projects with many planned.