Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Babies, Babies, Babies

Wow, it seems like every time I turn around someone I know is pregnant.  This is good as it will mean there will be a bunch of little ones for my little guy to play with, but at the same time I don't know if I have enough time to knit everyone a wee hat.  I hope I can get them all done in a timely fashion.  Perhaps if my wee guy starts sleeping properly I'll be able to do it. 

Not that people shouldn't be having babies because I don't have a huge amount of time to knit for them. 

Sunday, May 1, 2011

More on the home organization/Purging

I managed to get rid of a few more items this week.  That was pretty cool and I made a wee bit of money selling stuff too.

The big thing I did though was go through the cupboard under the kitchen sink.  It's now clean, mostly empty and awaiting some shelf paper.  I really should have put shelf paper down when we moved in (well over 10 years ago now), but I never go around to it.  Other shelves in the kitchen have shelf paper, just not those.  So it will be quite nice to have a clean area under the sink when I'm done that.

The bad news is that most of what was under the sink has now gone to the basement and is awaiting a home there.  I had decided to get a jump on child proofing the main floor.  The basement is last.  I'm figuring we'll just keep the small one out of the basement until he's a teenager.  It is really child unfriendly down there.

Still baby steps.