Saturday, October 21, 2006

Skull Needles

I'm ever so pleased. I got my bamboo knitting needles with skulls on them this week.
I got them from PunkKnits. I love them and I'm currently knitting myself a scarf on them in this wonderful wool that I used for my dreads.
A photo will come when I'm a little closer to being done.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

That moment

Ever have that moment when you're just sick and tired of everything you're knitting? I'm at that moment. I don't want to work on any of my current projects and I want to start a new one.

But I will go on! I will finish all of them.

And it also helps that the wool for the sweater I'm dying to make is going to cost $100. Can't afford that at the mo.

So back to my three current projects I go.

Teddy Bear
My everlasting Kimono - only 9 more inches to go on the 2nd sleeve.
and more washcloths for people.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Recent Progress

Well, I've not been knitting at my usual speed, but Idid get one of my christmas scarves done this week. And I've also been working on my everlasting Kimono wrap. I think I'm up to about 5 inches or so on the second sleeve.

I really have to get my butt going though on the teddy bear I must make, and the rest of the washcloths I must make. If I'm lucky I might get a couple of scarves done for some of the guys, but I will have to see about that and the amount of time I've got.