Saturday, July 10, 2010

Poor Neglected Blog

My poor blog. I have been neglecting you for a few weeks. I apologize. It's been fairly hectic around here and I haven't been doing so much in the way of crafts, exercise or anything else for that matter. So not much to say.

I did finish an emergency baby hat for a co worker who didn't tell me he and his wife were expecting their second child until a couple of weeks before the date. But I did make the deadline. Got the hat there before baby arrived.

I did also find a home for the lovely pink baby blanket I made a little while ago. My cousin and his wife had a baby girl a couple of weeks ago and it was perfect for them. So hopefully they will get it early next week as I was a little slow in getting to the post office.

I think my next project may be to make a sock Monkey. Hopefully I can start it tomorrow sometime. I have all the pieces pre cut, so it shouldn't be too bad to put together.

Now to see about a bike ride on this beautiful day before it gets too hot.